Mom’s tricks to handle TODDLER’S TANTRUM ..

Hello friends

We all know about toddler’s tantrum. We can say that Synonyms of Toddler is tantrum. When they starts, nobody can stop them. But we have to deal because we are mom’s. Tantrum of kids is a big problem for moms . I’m also one of them. And everybody has their own way to handle the tantrum of their kids.

You can see that in the picture How is my son laying on the floor? Only because of his anger. And in such a time, controlling my son’s tantrum is a big challenge for me.So here are my hacks to control the tantrum of my son.

My 10 tricks to handle Toddler’s Tantrum

1) Find the reason :

Whenever my baby throws tantrum ,My first job is to find the region. ” What is the problem? ” And I tell him that crying will not solve the problem. Then I ask my baby to solve the problem. If the problem is solvable then I solve it. Problem solved and my son is happy. But this is a bit difficult for me. Because my son is only 1.5 year old and he only explain his problem only through gestures.But I understand his language. After all I’m his mom.

2) Give them space : Give to your little one a bit space because sometimes they just needs to get their anger out. So let them. After that they feel good and calm down.

3) Change the place : Try to change the place when they start throwing tantrum. It would be helpful. If your baby cries for any toy or candy pick him up and take him either to a different area or outside until he calms down and you will see the change of place will change behavior.

4) Try to divert mind : You can talk to your little one about something else to divert the mind when they start throwing tantrum.This makes the kid’s attention centered in the new topic and forget that old thing.

5) Make fun : Make fun with your kids to make them happy. To make them happy you can do exactly as your kid does. Like if they cries loudly , you also come up with a louder fake cry. Suddenly you will see that,they will get distracted and they will hug you with laugh as their way of consoling. I love to make laugh with my son because raise your son as a happy person , is one of my parenting mantras.

Read my Parenting Mantras –

7) Favourite dress or game : one sweet and easy way to handle kid’s tantrum. Give them their favourite dress to wear or let them play with their favourite toy ,it makes them happy. Or you can tell your kids If you will calm down then I buy you, your favourite toy. And kids become calm in this greed.

8) Favourite food : Favourite food is also works good . You can tell your lil one that if you keep quiet then I will make you, your favorite food. Like my son’s favourite food is upma . He really loves Upma.

9) Make a character :

You can make a character for your baby like my baby’s favourite character is God Ganesha. Whenever he throws tantrum, I say to my son that if you become calm then only Ganesha will befriend you otherwise no and in this greed, he becomes silent.

10) Mom’s Hug : The best and and my favourite way to handle my baby’s tantrum. It works like magic.When your baby’s anger is in the seventh heaven, just give to your baby a tight hug because nothing is better than mom’s hug to cool them off better.

I hope my tricks will work for you.If you like this article, then comment on it also share your experiences with me that how do you handle your toddler’s tantrum.

Stay tuned till the next post.


20 Replies to “Mom’s tricks to handle TODDLER’S TANTRUM ..”

  1. Dear I have already told that everyone has their own way of handling anger actually my son is only 1.5 year old so he don’t know anything much. Sticker is also a good option but for big one not for my son . I’ll try this sticker idea When my son will be a bit bigger. Thanks for one more trick . Tysm mama


  2. Much need post for every moms. Sometime i’m so fade off my daughter’s tantrum. But this post may help in controlling the situation.


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